Monday, September 27, 2010

Day One -- September 25, 2010

Okay, here I go. Starting on my new mission and working on my new goal. A lofty one I will say. I am going to lose 100 lbs. and document my journey as I go.

I have been successful in reaching all of my goals in life so far. Why should this be any different? Academically, professionally, personally and in every other aspect of life, I pretty much rock. But weight loss has always been a struggle for me. And now, I've just given birth to two gorgeous daughters and I've found myself at an all time high weight (aside from my final pregnant days). Now that I have my daughters, I'd like to be around to enjoy them. The other day I had a thought. I love my daughters far more than I love food. So it's time to make some changes!

I'm not one of those people who can just eat better or start exercising and have success. For me it takes a lot more and it has to be all or nothing. So to start, I've joined Weight Watchers. I started Saturday and I'm tracking my points all over the place. My babysitter has been going with her daughter and they inspired me to come join them. I've done Weight Watchers before and really liked the program. This time I have an added support system since I have people to hang out with at the meetings and people to go eat with after the meetings! Evidently there is a very good restaurant right next door and on Saturdays, everyone goes to enjoy their menu of yummy foods with the points precalculated and listed on the menu.

On my first day, I really made sure to start at an all time high. One of the girls asked me, "Shannon, do you really want your shoes on when you weigh in?" You better believe I did. If we're going to do this, we're going to do it right. Start off at an all time high. I'll wait until I'm desperate to see pounds coming off to take off my shoes...and my sweatshirt...and my earrings, etc. Why waste all those good tricks on the first day?

Today I went grocery shopping and put together a great menu for the week. If the recipes turn out good, I'll post them, points and all. Tonight we had Southwest Chicken. Tomorrow is Turkey Chili. Wednesday is Mexican Meatloaf. Thursday is going to be Garlic Chicken.'s leftovers baby.

Okay, here's my first picture. We have to have pictures to track the progress, right??

All right. Here it goes. 0 lost so far. 100 pounds to go!!!!


  1. Good for you!! I don't cook or exercise or contribute anything sensible, but I can clap and cheer - we want you around with those beautiful girls! (oh yeah, and your husband ;) )

  2. And, if I want to have another one, I need to be in better shape. I know that is making Randy shudder. LOL. I think we are done with children, but that is just an added bonus. :-)

  3. I can't say much since weight is a daily struggle for me too. One thing I know for sure is that your mind is a powerful thing... when I decided to quit smoking I QUIT!! I was a 2 packer a day! With food it is totally different in that you have to eat, you can't quit it totally. You are so strong though and you have TONS of motivation... YOU CAN DO THIS!! Do you have lots of gum? :) I do that a LOT. I should do this with you and see if I can't finally figure this out.
